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  • +91- 9840239560 / +91-44-2823 7575

EMI Facilities

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EMI Option for Digital Hearing Aids

Hearing aid price range between Rs.2500 to Rs.3,00,000 based on users choice of hearing aid style, required feature, color, clarity and brand. EMI (equated monthly installment) option is available for hearing aids above price range of Rs.20,000 on specific hearing aid brands at Ausy authorized centres.

We live in a diversified country with people from various income levels and common medical problems. In such scenario the desire to procure high-end hearing aid and accessories can be fulfilled by utilizing Ausy’s EMI facility. No matter whatever is the severity of hearing loss, buy the best hearing aid in easy installments.

Best hearing solution in a burden less fashion
Visit Ausy approved hearing care providers in Chennai & other cities to avail EMI option for digital hearing aids.

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